Understanding Anger: Are anger issues a sign of mental illness?

The someone.health blog
understanding anger - are anger issues a sign of mental health illness
Image source: Timur Weber from Pexels

Anger issues can often be associated with underlying mental health conditions, but it’s essential to differentiate between occasional anger and chronic anger problems that may be indicative of a mental illness.


Here’s what you need to know:


Understanding anger issues

Anger, as an emotion, is a natural and healthy response to certain situations. However, when anger becomes frequent, intense and uncontrolled, it can significantly impact your wellbeing and your relationships. Anger issues refer to persistent patterns of anger that go beyond what is considered typical.


What are the 3 signs of anger?

Understanding the signs of anger is crucial for effective anger management. Here are the 3 signs of anger:


1. Physical Responses

Anger often triggers a range of physical responses in our bodies. These may include:

• Rapid heartbeat
• Increased breathing rate
• Flushed face or skin
• Tense muscles
• Clenched fists.

It’s important to recognise these physical signs as they can indicate escalating anger and the need for intervention.

2. Behavioural Responses

Anger can also manifest through observable behaviors. Some common behavioral signs of anger include:

  • • Verbal aggression, such as yelling or shouting
  • • Physical aggression, like throwing objects or slamming doors
  • • Hostile body language, such as clenched jaw or intense eye contact
  • • Withdrawal or isolation from others
  • • Restlessness or pacing.

Recognising these behavioral signs can help identify anger-related issues and prevent them from escalating further.

3. Emotional Responses

Anger is primarily an emotional response. Some common emotional responses associated with anger include:

  • • Feeling irritable or impatient
  • • Heightened frustration
  • • Increased sensitivity to perceived slights
  • • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • • Difficulty concentrating or focusing.


Being aware of these emotional signs can help with the early detection of anger and the implementation of appropriate anger management techniques.

Anger as a symptom

Anger can be a symptom of various mental health conditions. For example:

1. Intermittent Explosive Disorder

IED is a behavioral disorder characterised by recurrent, explosive outbursts of anger disproportionate to the situation. Individuals with IEDs often struggle to control their anger and experience distress or impairment due to their aggressive behavior.

2. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

BPD is a mental health disorder that involves difficulties with emotions, self-image and relationships. People with BPD may frequently experience intense anger, leading to conflicts and challenges in interpersonal interactions.

3. Depression and Anxiety

Both depression and anxiety can contribute to heightened irritability and anger. Individuals experiencing these conditions may find that their anger levels are consistently elevated and out of proportion to the situation.

4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Anger outbursts can be a common symptom of PTSD, particularly during episodes of hyperarousal. Individuals with PTSD may struggle to regulate their anger due to trauma-related triggers.

Seeking professional help

If you’re concerned about your experiences of anger and suspect they may be related to an underlying mental illness, it’s crucial to seek professional help. A mental health professional can conduct a comprehensive evaluation, diagnose any potential mental health conditions, and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Managing anger and mental health

Treating anger issues associated with mental illness typically involves a combination of therapy, medication (if necessary) and self-help strategies. Therapy can help you develop coping mechanisms, improve emotional regulation and address the root causes of anger. It’s important to remember that seeking help is a sign of strength and can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being.