What emotions are behind anger?

The someone.health blog

Anger is a complex feeling that can be fueled by a variety of underlying emotions. Understanding these emotions can help us to identify and manage anger more effectively. Let’s explore:


One of the primary emotions that can trigger anger is fear. When we feel threatened, whether physically or emotionally, we may respond with anger as a defensive mechanism. Anger can serve as a way to assert control or protect ourselves from perceived harm.


Frustration can also be a significant emotion underlying anger. When we encounter obstacles, have unmet needs or experience a sense of powerlessness, we can become frustrated, leading to feelings of anger. It is important to address our underlying frustrations so that we can manage our anger more effectively.

Hurt or Disappointment

Anger can often be a response to feeling hurt or disappointed. When we feel betrayed, rejected or let down by others, we may express our emotional pain through anger. It can serve as a defense mechanism to mask vulnerability or protect us from further emotional harm.

Perceived Injustice

Perceived injustice can trigger anger as we react to situations we believe are unfair or unjust. This can include witnessing or experiencing acts of discrimination, prejudice or violation of personal rights. We can feel anger arise as a response to restore a sense of fairness or seek justice.

Helplessness or Powerlessness

Feelings of helplessness or powerlessness can contribute to anger. When individuals believe that we have no control over our circumstances or lack agency in a given situation, anger can arise as a way to regain a sense of power or assert influence over their environment.

Now that we have explored the emotions that can be behind anger, let’s move on to the topic of what are the four root causes of anger. Understanding these root causes can provide further insights into the underlying factors contributing to anger.